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The Campus has a long history within quality management systems, which have always allowed it to work with continuous improvement methodologies. It began work following the requirements of a quality management system according to ISO 9001:2000 towards the year 2005. The centre’s management believed that implementing such a system would provide the mechanisms to identify weaknesses, propose improvements and try to meet the needs and expectations of clients.

Our mission is to educate in a comprehensive and individualized way people able to offer professional nursing services and care and provide educational services to different groups in the health and social field, according to the needs of society, in accordance with the principles and values of the Order of Saint John of God.

Based on what care has value, we want to be a Campus Docent of excellence in the training of professionals in the fields of health and social, oriented to quality, research, innovation and cooperation; based on institutional principles and values and committed to building a more just and humane society.

On 28 February 2007 it obtained the certification of the quality management system according to ISO 9001:2008. We have also incorporated in our management system, the ISO 14001:2008 Environmental Management System, with the corresponding certification since Gener 2011.

Within the Bologna process, and within the framework of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the new changes in Spanish legislation, it was established that universities had to ensure that the objectives associated with the courses they offered were met and that they were constantly improved. Therefore, universities needed to have formally established policies and Internal Quality Assurance Systems (IQAS).

ANECA, in collaboration with AQU and ACSUG, developed the AUDIT programme which aims to guide the design of IQAS integrating all the activities related to the quality assurance of teaching to date.

The continuation of the development of quality systems was the programme of evaluators of seconded centres, which led to the preparation of a report which was evaluated by the AQU in December 2010 with a very positive assessment. This meant starting the adaptation of the quality management system implemented by the centre, in accordance with ISO 9001, to the criteria of the quality assurance system, beginning the incorporation of mechanisms for the participation of stakeholders.

On 23 November 2011 we obtained the overall positive assessment of the AUDIT Programme of the design of the IQAS by the Catalan Quality Agency (AQU).

Among other elements that are appreciated, the existence of the Strategic Plan and its deployment, the scoreboard as a useful and appropriate tool for monitoring the Internal Quality Management System, the student guide as a good information tool, the management of external practices, the definition and revision of the graduate profile, the management of incidents and proposals for improvement, and finally the management of the material resources available to the Centre.

The Internal Quality Assurance System has involved in our center having defined, agreed and published a series of principles such as the Quality Policy, the Strategic Plan, medium and long term objectives, annual objectives, quality and environmental objectives, general process map, quality manual, integrated management system manual where we explain work processes, procedures, instructions, working formats, quality record control and environment.

The entire organisation of the Centre in general and management in particular has been involved, taking responsibility for actively participating in the development and improvement of the centre’s quality and environmental policy, assuming it as a value factor for the centre and as a facilitator for the accomplishment of the mission entrusted to us. Our quality and environmental system follows the models described by ISO 9001.

The organisation plans its improvement action on an annual basis, which is defined on the basis of policy, objectives and also, on the basis of data resulting from internal audits, data analysis, corrective and preventive actions and the review carried out by the Quality Committee.

The Quality Committee and the Process Management Committee follow up at the level of achievement of the objectives; comparison with the previous period to detect possible non-compliance or deviations from the planning, necessary corrective and preventive actions and possible legal breaches are carried out. It is recorded in the Management Review Act.

The information for conducting the revision of the system comes from the results of:

  • Audits (deviations from the system and, as a consequence, the necessary definition of corrective actions. We determine whether the quality management system is in conformity with the requirements of this standard and whether the system has been implemented and kept up to date).
  • User feedback (satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the user as a measure to guarantee a quality service and based on constant improvement, according to our client’s expectations).
  • Operation of processes and service compliance.
  • The situation of corrective and preventive actions.
  • The follow-up of actions derived from the previous revisions.
  • External communications.
  • Legal requirements and changes that could affect the quality management system and recommendations for improvement.

The results of the management system review are used to improve the system itself and processes, improvement of service in relation to user requirements and the environmental performance of the organisation and the need for resources.